I just found this thread and there is something that dragged me to highlight it info here. I have my own reason to get it appear here and there is no obligation. Even I'm a Malaysian, I don't have any intention to condemn my own country. The main reason for me to highlight it here is just to make us alert about our own safety. "Bad thing's happened anywhere, am I right...?" ..............thanks for that "agreed".
All this time, most of my tips and info in this blog are commonly headed for the internet tips/online tips oriented. But, this time I would like to share this "important" tips in term of the "spam police" that being increasingly exist in Malaysia.
(If you're not a Malaysian, maybe you might get some useful ideas to relate it with your own country law).
"My friend actually got somewhat a related experience. While riding with his friend, some "undercover police (spam police)" stopped them, and said that their car is brought into the country illegally. And then they told my friend to meet them at someplace so they can "settle" this is a "quite" manner. Luckily, my friend got curious and never went to meet those impostors. So be carefull, some people just so sick and would do anything for money.
This is is very useful information. Please pass it on to your friends and family.............especially the women folk! The next time you are stopped by persons who claimed they are plainclothes police, you are under no obligation to answer their questions or follow their orders, lawyers told Malaysiakini today."
"Policeman who is not wearing his uniform does not have the authority to stop anyone," lawyer and human rights activist Sivarasa Rasiah said. Sivarasa was commenting on the alleged gang-rape of an 18-year-old Uni student by four men claiming to be police officers on New Year's Eve. The girl said that her car was stopped in Taman Tun Dr Ismail in Kuala Lumpur and were asked by the men to open the car bonnet. She was then told that she had committed an offence and ordered to follow the men to a police station. The girl was driven in her car along the North-South expressway to the Tapah-Cameron Highlands road before she was raped in an oil palm estate."
This incident, and many others, have sparked confusion over the procedures which motorists must follow when flagged down by the police. The most common problem is that most people take instructions without determining if the other person is really a cop," lawyer Annie Santiago said.
However, if you are stopped by a uniformed policeman, then you are required to stop. But you need not get out of the car because you are not expected to do so, Santiago said. He other rule to follow is to provide your identity card only when you are asked to do so. "Even then, you should get his ID first to confirm if he is a cop. There is no harm in calling the relevant police station to verify if he is supposed to be on duty that day," Sivarasa said. Both lawyers said that motorists should never follow an officer to the police station unless one is under arrest. "If you are not sure, and your instincts tell you that something is wrong, then drive off to the nearest police station and lodge a report," Sivarasa said.
In response to the alleged gang-rape of the 18-year-old, Women's Aid Organisation executive-secretary Ivy Josiah called on the police to launch an education program to teach the public about their rights to prevent them from being victimised by bogus police officers.
1) Procedures to follow in the event you are stopped by uniformed police Officers while driving.
i) Stop the car and wind down your window.
ii) If the police officers ask for your documents, request to see their IDs first.
iii) If you are satisfied about their identity, ask them if you are being summoned, and for what offence.
iv) Produce your identity card and driver's license and wait to collect your summon ticket.
2) In the event that the police officers ask you to follow them to the police station:
i) Ask if you are under arrest and for what offence.
ii) If you are not under arrest, you have the right to leave.
3) In the event you are flagged down by persons you believe could be plainclothes police:
i) Do not stop because plainclothes police officers do not have the authority to stop you.
ii) Drive to the nearest police station and lodge a report. (The same procedure applies to pedestrians)
4) In the event the police come to your house:
i) Do not let them in before checking their IDs.
ii) If you are not satisfied, phone the nearest police station and confirm if they had been sent to your house.
iii) You are under no obligation to allow them into the house if they don't have a search warrant.
iv) Do not go with them if you are not under arrest.
5) In the event persons who claimed to be plainclothes police come to your house:
i) Do not let him in because they do not have the authority to do so.
ii) Lodge a report at the nearest police station.
POLICE HOTLINE: 03 - 5510 2999
p/s: credit to 1kHz.
Monday, November 28, 2005
What To Do If Stopped by Malaysian Police.
Posted by
Friday, November 25, 2005
Google Say.
Again, I read again the Critters posting in the DP forum..... and I still want to share with all of you. Maybe this "story" will give us a new refreshment about placing an image above adsense.
Google are now advising publishers to be very careful not to place images that could deceive users directly above the ads. It is still OK to do, but do not use images that could be deceptive to the visitor. Let me explain with some examples.
Bob has a site about iPods, he has ads for iPod related sites. After reading this thread he puts some generic iPod images above his ads, the 4 images are:
iPod photo, a case for the new iPod shuffle, an iPod mini, and a dock station for iPods
Google will take issue with Bob because the images are suggesting a specific offering at the advertisers site. as the ads are random, a user clicking the ad under the iPod shuffle case could get a site that does not sell that iPod shuffle case. They have been mislead.
Highly general images are less likely to be deceptive than very specific images that suggest a specific offering at the advertiser's site.
Bob can do a few things to keep google and his users happy:
1) put a visible border around the ad units.
2) move the images away from the ad units so there is a clear gap.
3) pick very generic iPod images, to minimize the risk of people clicking looking for cases.
This will take your CTR down, but lets turn a frown upside down:
1) users are less likely to leave your site
2) users are not been mislead
3) advertisers are not having their costs driven up (they are people just like us)
4) your CPM should go up as the users are more likely to use/buy from the advertisers site if they are there and find what they expected.
To confirm, it is still OK to have images above ads. But be very careful not to place images that could deceive user.
What a great content right? Thanks again to Critters. It's really good and very useful...!!
More on similar topic...
Posted by
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Google Base.
Just make a simple changes in my blog and it takes around 2 hour for me to do that.
That's why I'm so sleepy right now. It's because that "2 hour" need me to get to sleep around 2.00 a.m last night! What an effort and I like it very much.
This morning, I've got a newsletter from addme.com in my Yahoo mail. It's about the Google Base that already launched last week. I like to share it together with you:
"Aside from the fact that Google Base looks strikingly similar to ROR, we think these kinds of services and formats will change the face of the Internet, especially now that Google is embracing the concept. Finally the Internet is no longer just about text and searching for keywords, it is now also about data and meaning, and searching for complex information."
Anyway, what is Google Base?
Google Base is a place where you can add all types of information that we'll host and make searchable online. Based on the relevance of your items, they may also be included in the main Google search index and other Google products such as Froogle and Google Local. By the way, it's FREE...!!!
After I go thru the Google Base service, I found that this is one of the best service that Google's have.
Let's have a look at the screenshot:
1) Google Base For "Recipes".
2) Edit Item "Page".
3) Item Preview Page.
4) Item Management Page.
Okay, got to go now.
Posted by
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
New template and adsense.
It was such a good news when someone tell the others about our b'log. For me, it means that's our b'log is useful and quiet good (as a referance) for blo'ggers out there.
Eventhough there is a thousands of b'log in the blogosphere currently, but I'm feel proud of myself right now when someone talk about it. Same goes to you right..?? Ahaksss...!
Last night, I went to check out my last 20 referrers at my Extreme Tracking.
There is a few link from the big forum (Malaysian forum) that related to my b'log named Putera.com. And when I click to the thread that "mentioned" about my b'log, I just found that my url is there and it was mentioned by the person named Khalifah.
In this thread, he want to make his blog as good and pretty as he can ... but he doesn't know how to do that. I'm pretty damn sure that this is the honest statement for him to show that he really want to get his own new template + adsense programme.
My friend,
Let me tell you one thing. Me myself also was a dumb blogger before. That's why I made my true life journey in this b'log. There is 13 episodes inside it and all the articles is based on my own experience. Anyway, you may start from the 1st episode here.
Now, let's get back to the main topic.
If you want to change your template to the pretty one, just go to the Blogger Template. You might find the favourite template that you always wish for. If you don't, there is a link at the left bar in that site which still can offer you another kind of templates. And the process to "shift" the new template was to easy!
Get the new html code ----> Highlight (ctrl+A) ----> Copy (ctrl+C) ----> Paste in to your Template site (ctrl+V).
*** In order to not lose your basic html code for your original template, please make a back-up data for your basic html code or DO a copy first for your original html code in the Notepad or Microsoft Word.
Want to get serious for the html tutorial, point your browser here.
And if you're looking the best way to increase your income, make sure you know the right way to do it.
Isn't that so easy..??
Posted by
Monday, November 21, 2005
Genius Boy In Malaysia.
I just finish read yesterday's newspaper.
I am not sure whether I am the last person in Malaysia who did that.
Even yesteday was a Sunday (weekend), I'm still on duty at my office from 10.00a.m untill 10.00p.m. Working as an Education Caunsellor sometimes needs me to be punctual all the time.
But, the only thing that makes me alert about yesterday's news is an article about this boy named Adi Putra.
By the way, what I want to say is that this is the next "SuperBoy" in Malaysia and believe it or not, he already solved an Additional Mathematics problems meant for secondary level (17 years old math's syllabus). No matter what kind of questions is that, he can answer it all perfectly even he is a a 6-year-old boy...!!!!
Is it because of the genetic?
Or is it ONLY because of the "GIFTED" from God?
Or this situation just happened 1/1,000,000 in our true life?
If you think so, you're wrong!
It will not just happened like that my friends. I believe all children are born geniuses. The person who make this "miracle" happened is their PARENT. This is a good example of parent that we're looking for. In any kind of form, younger children can absorb many information.
" The younger children are, the faster they learn. It is in fact easier to teach a one-year-old child to read that seven year-old". Professor Glenn Doman.
Now, let's share some idea here. As I said, as an Education Counsellor.... this kind of info was already part of my presentation and I believe it 100%. The reason for me to said that because I believe of what I've learned and there is a prove for it scientifically. Start from the left brain and the right brain, neuron connectivity untill the brain stimulation... all this "thing" must be given to the younger children at first six years of their lives de-genius-ing them. And it should began from HOME.
Brain stimulation is the most important thing as parents should know. The more they asking, the more information they need. Unfortunately, some parents discouraged their children from asking questions and learning.
That's the fact. With such resounding official support, early home-based learning could well be a normal process in Malaysian homes of the future. I hope so.
Posted by
No Pain, No Gain.
Many blogger still waiting the right "DAY" for them to feel SHOCKED about their adsense. Eventhough the desire is still inside , no one will know when is the right time to log in to their Adsense account. If you're an Adsense beginner right now, surely this "curiosity" will keep running inside your mind, isn't it?
But don't worry, the day is not over yet. There is a lot of internet users outside there that still "0" about this "ads-sense". Whenever you think the chance are going down, actually you're wrong..!
Let me give you an example with this "unique" statements:
1) How many student in this world that need your article's as a part of their assignment or tesis currently?
2) How many family or people that sign-up for the internet service (broadband / dial-up) on a daily basis?
3) Are you sure that all your neighbour knows about an "ADSENSE'?
4) Do you think Google's is stupid to stop this damn good programme?
5) Everyday is a "born" day.... so, get them before they "gone"!
"The only real limitation on your abilities is the level of your desires. If you want it badly enough, there are no limits on what you can achieve."
--Brian Tracy.
So, what is stopping us to make an adsense as our best earning?
Sky is the limit ... am I right?
Don't prejudge ourselves untill we'll find that nobody will get hurt for what we did. It's just another way to increase our income and the only thing that we have to remember is the T.O.S.
Yup... it's the Adsense T.O.S ..... don't get banned by Google, my friends.
So, are you ready to keep the desire on the track back? No pain, no gain!
If you do, this is the friendly reminder for all of us:
- Do use the Adsense approved formats only.
- Do keep your click-through data and income private.
- Don't display Adsense on registration or thank you pages.
- Don't use Adsense code and a competitor's content-targeted advertisement on the same page.
- Don't encourage anyone else to click on ads.
- Don't click on the site's own ads ever.
*thanx Itonakamura.
Wanna count your future profit?
Posted by
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Broadband Phone Call (VoIP).
It's a new trend for the telecommunications company to "pursuit" this challenge (VoIP). No matter which country you are, this is a valuable business that they must get involved with. And for those who are still lack of this information, they must take seriously about this. Why?
For me, I already keep in mind that "hi-tec communication" always got his own "enemy". Either we realise it or not, it will come to the next stage automatically but now, I don't want to talk about it..... later allright? As for now, I just want to share some ideas about broadband phone call (VoIP).
Do we still remember about the "MIRC-fever"?
Allright, let's recall and give a damn good flashback to the time where we're fall into "MIRC (chatting)" fever...!!!
Did anyone still remember about it? I've bet that everybody had their "nice-experience" including me myself.
In my case, I always want to call the "girl" that I've chatt with. At that time, I was 16 and "chatting-MIRC" is became my hobby. So, everytime I log in, the feeling was so great and the curious was to high because I really want to hear her voice and the face of that "girl"....ahakssss. That's why my father said " don't you ever make a (long distance) phone call without my permission! The phone bil will be increase!" Yeah... I still remember about it.
But now, it will be no problem at all. We got so many choice regarding this matter. No need to control the budget for the telecommunications side. If you're stayed in the US, Canada or Puerto Rico ... why not you try this Vonage service.
"You won't need a new phone to use Vonage. Your existing touch-tone phone is fine. Instead of plugging it into a jack, we’ll send you a free phone adapter that connects to your high-speed Internet line. Just plug your phone into the adapter and start making calls." - Vonage.
And for the Malaysian (my country), we already got ours. Well, how about you try the Redtone 015 service.
What is Redtone 015 ?
"REDtone015 is a global Broadband Internet Telephony Service. Basically, it routes all phone calls via Broadband Internet Access. You can be anywhere in the country or the world. Once you access the Internet, you can enjoy the REDtone015 service at very competitive rates."-Redtone.
But for me, I'm still use my Skype service. It's very good indeed. Want to try? Point your browser here and you can download it for free!
Posted by
Friday, November 18, 2005
Richman and Donald Trump.
It was a rainy day and for today, I've got no deal and no sales. Maybe this "weather" actually want to tell me that today is my "rest day'. I think so.
And because of that, I have some time to submit my new posting for this blog right now. It's already 2week since I submit my last post.
Yup... I've got a personel invitation from Donald Trump.
It was yesterday and I still have a doubt for this e-mail. It's quite weird huh..? I know that this is one of the way for him to market his "Trump University".
But, the thing that I'm still thinking of is "is it real?" Is Donald Trump looking for his "new student"? Or he really got a financial problem with the "education earning"? Is Trump's university got no "demand" by the American's? Or maybe the university got a problem itself...?
Anyway, it just my opinion.
It's known that Mr Trump is a good "richman". Nobody doubt about it and me myself was a one of his fans. This is good example about the man who is really damn serious about his own business empire.
Let me give an example:
Can you imagine about the "marketing" that he is doing right now about his "Trump University". Do we have a guts like him? Ask yourself. As long as I know, nobody will "market" his own university like he did thru the internet.
I'm also really into his Apprentice show. My only comment about his show is that this is the longest "interview" that I've ever seen in my life. And of course all the candidates must know how to play the game. As for me, the best thing about this show is "reverse psychology" that've been "played" by all the candidates since season 1st.
Are you want to be like him...? Do you got the desire like him? Do you want to be a richman like him...?
If you are, why not you think like the way he think on How To Get Rich!!!?

Trump: How to Get Rich
Posted by
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Hello...from GadgetBlog.
It's quite interesting when someone from the b5.media send an e-mail to me.
At first, I thought that this is a normal e-mail that I've subscribe for.
But after I checked it again and again, I found that this is not a normal e-mail.
It's because the owner of this GadgetBlog is a member of the b5.media network...!!!
Yes... thanks to Colbert Low for your e-mail.
Who is Colbert Low?
Colbert Low is the editor of the TheGadgetBlog. His blog was nice and attractive eventhough the "template" are quite famous. Again..... thanks to you Colbert for your "complimentary" about my another blog that is (gadget blog).
For our information, TheGadgetBlog now is a part of the b5.media Blogging Network (b5Media).
And for this qualification, I would like to congrats Colbert for his effort.
Dudes..... you did it man...!!
As far as I know, b5media is not a normal "blogging-network" that you can join easily. There is a "rules" that you have to obey. And as a Malaysian, I'm very proud if any Malaysian can do it.
Opsss... congrats to Liewcf also...!!!
Bear in mind that this b5.media blogging network also joined by the Problogger (Darren Rowse).
It's known that Darren was the famous bloggers among us. Try to imagine the situation if your blog was invited by the b5.media network. Isn't in great when you can have a link with the "high page rank" site..?
By the way..... Colbert, are you a Malaysian?
Posted by
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Joel Comm is a FRAUD?
This is shocked man...!
I found this "hot' topic when I was told by my friend about this site.
At first, I'm not sure whether this is true or not. I thought this is just a rumours and nothing special about it. But after I look at the contents deeply, there is something wrong about the site (from my point of view).
And as you can see, it was stated there that Joel Comm was "involved" with the "spam blog promoter" named Rick Butts.
So, what is this all about?
It's known that Joel Comm is a owner of the Adsense-Secrets website (e-book). In his What Google Never Told You About Making Money With Adsense, he already help a lot of people outside there who want to be a "wealth blogger".
Many people had read and own his ebook and also a member on his forum.
I am not Joel's "blood" and I'm not paid by him to come up with this statement.
And I also have no gain from making this statement other than to make it clear. It's because as far as I know, Joel is a person who already succed with his own way.
The same thing goes when I asked my brother (BloggerTips webbie). He said that the book is very worthwhile and he has found that he is a very honest guy.
Bear in mind that Joel's forum has a lot of members...!
And you may check that Joel's adwords (www.adsense-secrets.com) was to "famous" in the Google Adsense?
If he is a FRAUD, do you think that he will stayed longer in this "blogging zone"...?
So, do you still think that he is a FRAUD...? If you do, just give your marvellous comment about this "HOT" topic..!!
p/s: Joel Comm is a FRAUD...? I don't think so......
Posted by
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Headlines For My B`logs.
Easy to use...!
Easy to read...!
Easy to understand...!
As you can see, I already put a headlines to the both of my b`log.
The reason for me to do that is to make my readers feel comfortable with my latest posting.
At the same time, you also can save your reading time. For me, this is another good way to express my "thanks" to all of you.
This headlines was sponsored by the Feedburner. And if you want this kind of "utilities" in your b`log, make sure you already sign-up first with the Feedburner. As for me, Feedburner already helps me a lot.
Still curious about the Feedburner? Don't worry, just look at this:
You may get started with:
1) Blogger.
2) TypePad.
3) WordPress.
4) Podcasting.
How to get this...?
After you sign-up with the Feedburner, point your browser directly to the "Publicize" icon. Then, find the "Buzzboost" button at the left (table). After that, make sure the settings was done correctly. And finally.... please click the "SAVE" button at the bottom of the page.
Simple as that...!!! I'm pretty damn sure you will love this cute headlines.
So,am I looking for your headlines then...????
Posted by