
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How to Upload a Video on Youtube?

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YouTube is a place for people to engage in new ways with video by sharing, commenting on, and viewing videos. YouTube originally started as a personal video sharing service, and has grown into an entertainment destination with people watching more than 50 million videos on the site daily.

If you're interested in learning how to make your videos available to hundreds of millions of people worldwide - and you don't know where to start - then this quick YouTube tutorial is for you!


1. Make sure you have a YouTube account.
2. Click the "Upload" button on the main bar.
3. Choose title, description, tags, and catergory.
4. Click "Continue".
5. Choose a video file. Do not upload copyrighted material.
6. Finally click "Upload Video"


* Do not upload copyrighted material.
* Youtube only allows a maximum of 10 minutes per video. Also it doesn't allow more than 100 mbs per video.

Things You'll Need:

* Computer
* Video to upload
* Internet

Link: Youtube, Wikihow.

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