
Monday, February 13, 2006

Writing skill - Part 1 -

"Education is not passing exam, education is a life long learning"
Yup, that's right because education is a life long process for all people in this world. Me myself still in the learning curve and there is so much I have to know everyday. People learn in any kind of form and the way they learn is definitely different from the others. How do you categorize yourself in terms of the way of learning?

Some us learn thru their auditory skill (listening), some of us learn from visual spacial (look and learn) and some of us learn via bodily kinesthetic (movement). Different from a baby, they learn from the stimulation that they got from their environment. But as an adult, majority of us learn by writing, reading and research (visuality & auditory) because it will be more easy to absorb.

In order to learn something new, we've got to know the basic. Now let's say that we want to start as a good writer, first... we must know the right way to implement all skills so that people will like to read our articles. If you're a student, learning to be an effective writer is an important part of education.

So now, let me share with you some of the tips that I've learn from the WorldBook (you should read it too!).
And for this time I'll will share with you the best guide for writing skills.

a) Writing tips.
- Every time you write, you practise a skill and get better at it. Practise is good because its get you into the habit of using written words to express yourself. Your practise writing does not have to be perfect. You can get into the writing habit in many ways. Keep a journal or diary to record your experiences, thoughts and feelings.

Write letters or e-mails to a penpal, friends or relatives. Try writing a fan letter to your favourite aythor, TV personality or rock star. And remember to send post cards when you travel. Also consider writing your own invitations and greeting cards instead of buying commercially produced ones.

b) Preliminary steps of succes.
- Some of your school writing assignments, such as themes, essays and stories are based on your own opinions, ideas or imagination. Other writing assignments such as book reports and research papers, are based on facts gained from reading and research. Whatever the assingments may be, your work will proceed smoothly if you follow this suggestions before you begin putting words on paper (you also can adapt this tips if you're a journalist or even a blogger!):

i) Be sure you understand the specifics of the assignment, such as its length and whether the topics is your choice or assigned.

ii) Plan ahead and organize your time to help assure that you have enough time to do a good job.

iii) If the topics is your choice, select one that interest you, one that you already know something about, or one that you're eager to learn more about.

iv) Jot down ideas whenever and wherever they occur to you. Simply talking about your assignment with friends can trigger ideas that you might be able to use in your paper. If not, you just lose one good point to highlight it. This is important because it will give you a satisfaction. As a blogger, a bookmark always help.

v) Develop an outline to organize your thoughts and to guide your writing so you do not forget a point you intended to include. The reason to do this is because you definitely don't want your reader or your lecturer "boring" when they read your assignment. Again, for the blogger... the adsense also know about your content because the "spider" is very alert about the density.

Happy reading!

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