
Thursday, December 28, 2006

AdSense Is Dead? AdSense is Alive?

This is another programme on how to make money online. As for now, I think this is the best review that I've got. Keep reading to know the secret!

On September 12, Scott Boulch launched a controversial report titled The Death of AdSense.On September 21, Boulch launched part two of the report, titled Life After AdSense, Climbing the Internet Marketing Food Chain.

What is Scott saying in these reports?
He's saying that due to Google changes to the AdWords program, AdSense is now practically dead and earnings from AdSense have significantly dwindled. Some agree with Scott while others, including AdSense Pros disagree. For example, on September 25, Joel Comm released AdSense Is Alive report to say what the title reads.

The debate rages on in forums, chat rooms and boxing rings.
Regardless who you agree or disagree with, there is one thing that you can benefit from this whole discussion and debate. Just like PPC/AdSense is a profitable monetization model, there is another lucrative one out there; Pay Per Lead. Scott says Pay Per Lead is the basis of his monetization system that earns him more than $50,000 a month.

So, what is the conclusion and what is the smart thing for you to do?
Conclusion: Google AdSense seems to be alive and Pay Per Lead seems to be a lucrative monetization model.

As I said, keep on reading to know the secret!!!!

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