Have you ever think to upgrade your English?
Do you satisfied with your effort regarding this matter so far?
Still got a problem with it?
Well, if you think that education is a life long learning.... I'm sure you're not an exam oriented people. Most of us always think that education is passing exam but certainly they're not. In my country, this scenario is clearly happened to the most of the graduates. They are lack of communication skill and I'm always wonder when it will stop.
Yeah... most of the graduates here face the same problem currently. The big problems comes out in the interviewing session. They can't speak in English properly and what I mean here is "they don't have enough confident (high confident) to do that". I'm not say that I'm an expert in English ... as I said before, I'm always wonder when it will stop.
My readers, live in a country like Malaysia was a great pleasure. Best chances will become a superb opportunity if you know how to manipulate it. Now why certain of the Malaysians feel that it's too hard to learn English? We're not the same country like 50 years ago. We already move to the new better living and knowledge is one of the "needs" that we're should looking for 24 hours a day. There is no reason for us to "honeymoon" anymore.
So, in order to learn an English.... we must know the solution first.
Look at your environment arounds you, are you in the middle of the "speaking english" person?
Do you live in the "zero knowledge" atmosphere?
Do you have any effort to make the English as your main language?
Or do you always speak Malay all over the time?
For me as an Education Counselor, nothing can stop me to learn English. Even sometimes my pronounciation was not so good, I'll try to make it better. Yes.... we must have the confident to say it and let the people around you correct it. Another thing is about our diction. Keep your dictionary whatever, wherever and whenever you go. Make it as your bestfriend and it will help you all the time. For me, learn a word for a day is better that nothing. Try to put yourself at one stage..... and make sure your confident level reached to the level that you're never think before untill you proud of yourself. This is what I'm did for the past 3 years and it's always been.
For the blogger, how about an online dictionary in your blog?
Do you think that it worth for us?
If you think so, maybe this is one of the best alternative that we can use.
Prepare an extra space on your site and place it aside so that you may use it all the time or at least, make a link to that site.
Copy and paste the code from this site and after that, it will become like this:
I hope this will help us to improve our English and for me, this is a good chance for me to coordinate my "english online class" for 2006. Yeah... 2006 is around the corner...!!
Ermmmm..... have you check your dictionary lately?
Friday, December 30, 2005
Dictionary Make Easy.
Posted by
Stop smoking...yes, it isn't?
One of my friends said that he want to stop smoking soon and I know he really.... really ....serious about it. I can see that clearly when he wrote about this in his blog lately (he is a blogger indeed). Ermmm.... is it true that most of the blogger are a smoker? (ladies not in the list). Anyway, as a friend I hope he will get into it or at least, he will reduce his smoke cigarette on a daily basis.
I was a smoker before (for 2 years only) and the time I've got my last smoke is about 4 years ago (when I was a student). I still remember that time when we lived together in one nice apartment (rent apartment) in Malacca. There was 16 of us and we have around 14 smoker members in that apartment. The best thing is only 2 of us are non-smoker. That is me and my "bestfriend" named Wak Kerto. He is a Javanese from Batu Pahat and I really hope that I can meet him back one day. We just not seeing each other for 3 years already.
One day (in 1999), I was offered by one of my housemate to try some of the cigarettes. He said that "every man in this world must know how or what is the real taste of the cigarette"... "if not, he is not a real man!"....
That's make me more eager to try it and finally....! (you know what I mean).
After I tried so many type of cigarettes, I found that I'm only get into this brand (Mild Seven) and it's really suit me. Even it's not "hard" like the other's brand such as Surya, Gudang Garam, Dji Samsoo, Dunhill and etc.... it's already put myself in a "smoker" zone. Not like Wak Kerto, he is very straight on this. He will not smoke any cigarette and I believe that. He also said that if you're a smoker, you will transform the currently air pollution into a worst level and by that, please don't blame the factories around you.... Actually, you're "burning" yourself!.
What a nice say from him ....lol.
And now, I've got nothing to do with this anymore. I'm fully "recovered". I don't have any intention with nicotine anymore and so the rest. Nicotine is a master addiction and I will prove it to you. Based on the statistic, it's shows that nicotine addiction is more difficult to beat than cocaine or heroin. It will give an effects to your psychology, mental side and your inner strenght.
So, got any intention to quit smoking right now?
Do you really want to make it real?
Do you ever think about your children's healthy?
Think.... think... think and keep think...!!!
The bad thing if you are a smoker... try not to say "quit smoking" in front of the non-smoker people. You know how tough it is and even you say that you're joking about it... well, you just did a good one...right..!!!???
Smokers and bloggers,
Let's take a look at the EB's list of Quit Smoking Reasons and here is some of its:
In the past few years I have begun to feel the physical effects of smoking for over 25 years. These symptoms include:
1) A pressure, heaviness, and often pain in my lungs in the morning.
2) Morning cough.
3) Loss of my singing voice.
4) Breathlessness in my reading voice.
5) Unpleasant irritation of the mucous membranes of my mouth.
6) General tiredness and loss of energy.
7) Headaches.
8) I realize that I need to take naps to combat the tiredness I feel because my body has to process all the poisons that cigs have.
8) Cigarette hangovers after late nights out.
10) The need to exercise early in the day, before having smoked a lot.
11) Waking up at night coughing or with tickles in my throat.
Are we ready to stop smoking now?
Posted by
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Password Manager From Santa?
Hello there,
Glad to be here back after not log in for a week. Definitely I'm not comfortable with my "working hour" lately and I hope, I will get my quality time back after this ( hope my manager will prove my leave application). It's too busy and there is a lot of things that I have to remember and to complete. And it means that I need to place my neuron association at the high level as it can be. Because at this stage, our brain has a lot of job to do right? How pity.....lol.
Now, let's make things better.
Sometimes, we need an assistant to make our life easier because we can't do all the thing by ourselves. When it come to the internet-ing zone, it will place this situation to the different level. As an internet users, don't be too sure with our "job". Bear in mind that it is not an easy "job" anymore when it comes to the secret informations especially in a PASSWORD matter.
Yup... password is the most important part for the people who always get online. Either they get online or do the online business, PASSWORD is the "key to success". But, it depends on your own way/style. Keeping your password manually also is one of the good way but in the certain condition, that's not practical.
So in order to avoid any mistake, we need an assistant.... am I right?
But what kind of assistant that we're looking for?
Is it a Password Manager?
How do we know them?
Do we need to pay for them or their service?
How long they will give their loyalty?
Will they screw us back later...?
"Good imagination will bring us to the good answer"... I believe in that quote (personally).
And for this 2005 Christmas gift, maybe Santa's forgot to tell us that he already left some of his "things" behind. You may ask him about it, but I'm pretty damn sure he will not take it back. He's up there man...!
Allright, let me tell you the gift that Santa's left behind. This gift called RoboForm and he is the Password Manager that we're looking for. No need to pay or argue about his loyalty. If you want to own this Password Manager... that will be good step for you as a preparation for the 2006 online assistant.
RoboForm is an award-winning automated password manager and web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence.
| RoboForm has long been a leader in the field of password management and form filling software.
MorningStar Advisor. |
| "Easy to use and without any hidden spyware... Innovative, lean, useful product."
Wall St Journal. |
| "It Knows All Your Passwords (But Promises Not to Tell)".
NY Times. |
Want to know about it more?
You may download it here.
Posted by
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
No 1 At Yahoo Search Engine?
It's sounds funny, isn't it?
Me myself also was shocked at first.
The question is when is the actual time it happened and how.
Anyway, this is good news for me and it will make my readers more easier to find me in this blogosphere.
Yesterday, I gave a check at my Extremetracking data. And later, I saw that there is one word at the searh engine's report regarding my name -ombak-. After I clicked at that link, it's really shocked man...!
I never thought that my name -ombak- will take place to be the 1st at the Yahoo Search Engine compared to the rest ombak's name. I still remember at the day first, I try to put my name -ombak- at the search engine but nothing happened. Not just Yahoo Search Engine, but to the all search engines that I know.
Then, it makes me more curious about this.
I try to put my name at the MSN Search Engine. Guess what?
It's nearly climb up to the 1st because -ombak- name just ranked at the 2nd. Wouldn't it be nice to see our name on the top of the search engine result?
But, I can't find my name at the first page of the Google's search engine result. Maybe, I have to improve more... more.... better regarding this. Unlike the fulltime blogger, it's gonna be easy for them.
Actually, -ombak- is my nickname.
And I used this name because I love to see the wave. Ombak in English means WAVE.
Why I choose this word as my nickname? Ermmm.... I never told anybody about this before but I'm willing to tell it now.
I choose this name because I want to make it as my "own shadow". It is known that -ombak- or -wave- will never stop his task to the beach right. That's sound positive to me. Never give up if you want to learn something. Like me, I never had any knowledge about computer and internet-ing's before. But I managed to learn it day by day and you can read it from my own experience here.
So, back to main topic.
I hope there will be a day where I can see my -ombak- name at the top of the big G (Google Search Engine) page results. I'm really sure the day will come sooner or later.
Same goes to Darren's (Problogger) name.
If you type the Darren's nickname -darren- at the Yahoo Search Engine, you will see it's located at the top but.... there is no more Darren's after that.
Now, try to put the -Darren- name at the Google Search Engine... it's quiet of mystery because his name stand at the 6th place. And it's more.... more.... weird if you put the -darren- name at the MSN Search Engine...!! No -darren- at all....?
Well my friends....
It's just a name and it has nothing to do with the traffic.
I just write it down here just because of my curiosity.
Because for me, if my nickname can make my readers easy to find me... it could be nice. The best thing happen to me when my nickname will bring my readers come to my site as easy as they can.. that's all.
Posted by
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Black Metal Ideology Sites?
"Do we need a Black Metal's music in our life?"
This is the "hot" question in the music arena lately. And it is too subjective for me to highlight it here in my blog. From the 1st day since I'm blogging, I never write anything about the music so far.... ermmm, maybe this is the first?
Black metal is a musical genre related to styles of heavy metal such as death metal. Some black metal fans, musicians and critics use a strict definition of the genre, though others view this as limiting and view black metal more as an artistic movement than a sub-category of popular music .
Anyway, as I said ... this is the subjective topic to be highlighted of. And I believe among the Black Metal's fans, they got their own definition and nobody can deny that. The definition that stated above is just an "outside" define about their music. But, do we know about their "life trend"? What is the "inner" religion that they're stick with?
If we look deeply more about this kind of "life trend" , surely we knew that this is a rubbish.
If we have our own religion (Christ, Buddha, Tao's, Islam or etc) definitily we will sing the "same song". We believe to our own God and the way of life. Nothing can stop our belief. Correct me if I'm wrong, all religions will drive their converters to the positive and healthy life.
....................................................same goes to them (that's why they're not believe to the God).
As a blogger, there is a lot of the Black Metal blog/website around us. For those who already have a family, make sure you tell your children about this kind of life trend via this music's genre. In a certain way, it might influence your children soon. In my country, this kind of "negative life trend" now already being a phenomenon. They got a lot of fans...!
And what makes me more hate to this Black Metal's is the "life trend" that they bring up together. It's so disgusting and annoying.
Have you ever heard about this Black Metal group like Deicide, Legion Of Doom and Mayhem?
If you don't, please be careful if you see your own son or daughter wear their shirt. Names like Benton, Brian Hoffman, Steve Ashem, Eric Hoffman, Per Yngve Ohlin and etc) was so famous amongs them. And this group was so strong in their "world" (metal's stream).
Take a look at this lyric:
"I killed Jesus,
Just to see him bleed on his pulpis throat,
I am EVIL,
I'm the Deicide and I killed the LORD,
No more reasons,
I will kill the world in another form,
I rule this world,
NAIL HIM, Arrggghhhhhh...!!! " ------- Benton (singer)-Deicide.
In one interviewed between Benton and a journalist before, he said that Satanic also is a way of life. Satan is not an ugly thing that we're thinking of. And then, he spread that idea in their songs. So, this is a STARTER for the Satanic Death Metal in the Black Metal's stream. It going worst , isn't it? I told you....
Want to study more about this Black Metal's stupid "life trend"?
Point your browser at the list below.
Black Metal Blog?
Black Metal Shop?
Black Metal Website?
Top 10 Black Metal's Pictures?
Black Metal Reviews?
Black Metal Get Banned? (Wooo... this is coool..!!!)
Posted by
Friday, December 16, 2005
Ad'sense Sick During Christmas?
Has anybody notice about our ad'sense yesterday?
Is something going around here?
Or am I miss something important?
Yesterday was so different.
I found there is something fishy about the ad'sense. I'm noticed that the most weird thing happened for the last 2 days is about the ad's itself. I don't know what's the actual reason from Google.... all I know is about my latest adsense (mine) was shifted to the sofa, cushion, leather seat and etc. The truth is, there is no related ad's at all...!!
Then, I asked my best friend (Jamloceng) about this. To be honest, I really want to find out what is the actual reason. And guess what? What a shock. He told me the same thing...!! And then, I tried to investigate this "phenomenon"... ahaksss. From one website to another website..... from one blog to another blog.... untill the final stage.
And at night (last night), I got the answer. Maybe this is not the correct answer. But I can say that, this is the only logic reason that I have. You know what.... based from my "investigation", I found that there is something wrong with the Google's crawler. I made a comparison between "paid hosting user" and "free hosting user" and the truth is:
| " This "phenomenon" will involve the "free hosting user" only and not to the "paid hosting user". So if we're using the blogspot, be prepared. For the blogspot user, most of us will have this kind of "unrelate ad's". |
So, what's happened to the Google's crawler lately?
Is ad'sense assistant (crawler) sick?
Or it might be because of the Google's inner problem?
Why the "paid hosting user" freely out of this "phenomenon"?
Is the blogspot user will face this kind "unrelate ad's" again?
If yes, why...?
Is this mean the blogspot user don't have any longer priority?
What if Google's forfeit their ad'sense programme suddenly?
Can someone answer that ....?
C' mon.....!!!
p/s: Or this is a "Christmas thing" from Google?....LOL!
Posted by
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Bollywood and Hollywood
How to describe the "middle" word between the title for this posting?
Are you in the Bollywood side or Hollywood side?
Which one do you prefer?
Bollywood has a very different sphere if we want to compare of. It's a musical sphere industries and there is nothing to do with the Hollywood influenced.
Let's recape the Bollywood's history.
At the turn of this century, when the country was poised for major social and political reforms, a new entertainment form dawned in India-the Cinema. The first exposure to motion pictures which India received was in 1896, when the Lumiere Brothers' Chinematographe unveiled six soundless short films at Watson Hotel, Esplanade Mansion, Bombay on July 7. And the first exposing of celluloid in camera by an Indian and its consequent screening took place in 1899, when Harishchandra Bhatvadekar (Save Dada) shot two short films and exhibited them under Edison's projecting kinetoscope. [via]
Now, what I mean with the musical sphere just now is the songs that existed in the Bollywood's!
This is so... so... so... different with the films industries that've been conducted in every part of this world. And if we want to talk about the musical part in the Bollywood's zone... definitely it will point us to the Hindustan's song. Yes... it's Hindustan song...!! It's seems like a "haunted song" for the Bollywood's fans.
Names like Amitabh Bachan, Shashi Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai and Shah Rukh Khan were so legendary in the Bollywood history.
In Malaysia, you can feel this sphere everywhere. Once this sphere turn out to the "phenomenon", you will hear all the Hindi's song (Hindustan) all over the place such as supermarket, hypermarket and also at the departmental store!
But, there is something that "naturally" happened in this industries. In order to tackle the viewers and the audience, Bollywood's will placed their fans to the another stage of belief. The "not logic" sense that's supposed in will be thrown away...!
Let me give you an example about the fight scene between the "hero" and his 30 "enemies" at one time (with a hockey stick a their hand)...!! Guess who will win?
Hah.. hah... hah.... you knew it right?
But how the Bollywood still can inject the best outcome in their film industries?
From what I've seen and what my mother said, the "succed-source" that they put all the time in their film industries is the "family relationship" value. And I agreed with that 100%.
In order to for me to prove it, you must watch this film and later, tell me.
Correct me if I'm wrong... you may cry when this story reach at the climax part.
Now, let's talk about the Hollywood.
Opsss.... everybody know it right..!!
Even Hollywood also comes with their "not logic" sense, I admit that I love to watch their film even most of the scene comes from the computer. Music is universal right, same goes to the film.
Anyway, I should highlight here that the musical sphere also existed in the Hollywood, but that was a long... long... time ago (broadway). Compare to the currently needs, Hollywood's have to give more concentrate on the "urban" style.
And now, I'm still waiting the right time for me to watch the King Kong at the cinema...!
Wanna be my date?
Posted by
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Web Detective
It's been a while since I posted my latest article today. It make me think deeply about the relation about myself and my readers.
In my previous posting ( Love me... love me not?), I did mentioned about the loves feeling. Seems like this matter makes me more curious about it. There is so many question mark in my head right now. Opsss I'm not ask you to be a web detective...LOL.
What if someone email you and he/she want to get to know you better?
What will you do?
What will you say?
What will you deny?
Believe it or not, b'logosphere will place us at another level of bonding. And nobody can't deny that.
So the question is, are we ready for that?
According to the Internet Survey, most of the bloggers will take the responsibility for their own articles. And this type of webbie/b'logger normally "stayed" in the "paid-hosting user" category.
Stay with me, I will explain it later.
In another case, what if the blogger is a "free hosting user" category like me?
Am I not honesty enough with my article?
Can anybody deny that?
Does anybody still trust me?
If they trust me, what is the proof?
Where do I live? Who am I?
What the hell I'm doing with my article?
Is it legal or not?
Who wil take the responsibility if someone's out there getting influenced by my articles?
Let's get back to the "paid hosting user" category case.
There is some facts that "they" belief with this category and most of them agreed with it.
Is it true?
I try to find the answer and maybe this is the only answer that I can share with.
However, I hope that you will like it and please do not hesitate to give your own opinion here.
What I can say is.....in order to make it look nice+honest.... the "paid hosting user" category already showed it's credibility and more professional+legal. And I will not deny it...! Yup, I agreed.
Let me show you an example of "true fact" about this "paid hosting user" category.
Try assume that this blog (url); [http://lampusuluh.blogspot.com] has shifted -----> to -----> [http://www.lampusuluh.com].
What's your say?
Am I showing you my honesty? My dedication? My hope? And my belief?
Of course...!!! But how do I know and what's the proof?
Make it clear here.
Then, try put my own b'log url ("free hosting user"-category-) --> [http://lampusuluh.blogspot.com] at the space given. I'm sure you will got nothing right?
Now put another's url ("paid hosting user"-category-) --> [http://www.xxxxx.com].
Definitely you will see the full adress of the webbie/b'logger. Does it showed you the "true fact" about him/her?
It's all stated in that site. Nothing to loose and nothing to hide. No need to lie and no need to screw up! But sometimes, it's also depend on the M.O.U between the webbie/b'logger and the hosting company.... coz' some of the "true fact" are "confidential".
At this time, all I can say that I'm on my way to have my own website.
It's just a matter of financial and budget. But if you want to support me, donation will be just fine..... just point your browser at the donate button on the right bar.
Opsss.... one more thing, I'm always appreciate my reader's belief eventhough they are not web detective...!
Posted by
Love me... love me not?
The Christmas is just around the corner. For all the readers, I just wanna wish all of you "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year"....! Ho.. ho...ho... and may God bless you all.
Ahakssss... is it to early for me to wish it to all my readers?
Well, it's not for me. I really want to say it because I'm afraid I cannot do so. I was too damn busy lately. This school's holiday really make me exhausted all the time. Yeah... as an Education Caunsellor, this is the busiest time in my life.
Celebrate the festivals e.g (Deepavali, Chinese New Year and of course Christmas!) is so meaningful for me as a Malaysian. Grown up in this multi-racial country always makes me realised that "love" is the important thing. It is not easy to built up a love between us, but it is so easy to make someone hates us! But the way that people in this country sharing their loves almost indicates peace to all of them. Love is all around ...am I right..!!??
What is the meaning of love?
Is it a normal word in your life?
Is it a jokes for you?
Or is it the very... very... very... important word to you ?!!
If you choose the last one, definitely you are the caring person. It's a nature as human itself to say it when they feel someone's touch their heart especially when they're in love. The feeling was so great and so wonderful. It can't be explained in a single word. If all the people in this world know about the true meaning of the love, I will pray to the God so that He will give me another 100 years more for my life....!!
Either a blogger or a reader, the love will always remain among us.
"Wasn't it so amazing when the "love" appear at the time where we never know each other but we still keep in touch together?"
How to describe it?
If you want to know what it the love deeply, why not try to "spell" the "LOVE" with your true feeling first?
C' mon....!! Let the love's alive around us...!!
Posted by
Friday, December 02, 2005
Journal Of Adsense.
Don't tell me about adsense anymore...?
Nope, I'm still in the learning curve. To the webmaster of the richsense.blogspot.com, I just wanna say thank you for your comment in the Darren's website (Problogger.net) regarding my adsense's journal.
Even the "hook" was quiet simple, but now I can see clearly here and I'm also admit that maybe all the blogger should have some kind of this "hook" in their own b'log. The "true thing" is that, all the stories are came from my own experience since the day one. And I'm glad that you also did the same thing in your b'log by using the "My Journal" word.
Anyway, what I want to highlight here is all the stories cannot be done in a day. The "right man" that always acting as my adsense's guru is my friend named Mr Sid. You might point your browser to the "Jam Loceng" word at "My Links" on the right side of my bar or just click here.
To be honest, let me list down all my Adsense Make Money' journal here. It was 13 episodes of them:
True Story 1.
True Story 2.
True Story 3.
True Story 4.
True Story 5.
True Story 6.
True Story 7.
True Story 8.
True Story 9.
True Story 10.
True Story 11.
True Story 12.
True Story 13.
Ermmm....what if Google's stop this Adsense programme suddenly...!!???
What da ya think? Got any idea...?
Posted by
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Jokes v/s Laugh?
What do you think of my posting this time...?
Is this too much for the blogger to read? What the hell I'm doing at this time, just to mention about JOKES and LAUGH?
I don't care if you said I'm a crazy blogger at this time ( it's already 1:23 a.m in the morning).
Personally, I am a funny ( am I funny?) guy in my area. I think so...ahaksss.
Sometimes, we feel happy when we can make peoples happy.
If we can make people laugh, that's good...isn't it?
But at the same time, do we need to make a jokes just to make it happen?
In my life... I always feel that when we're making the people laugh, certainly they will like us. But when we have our own problem inside, nobody will cares...!!
This is not fair and basically, it was sooo...sooo...sooo... so not good.
Is this situation ever happened to you before...?
If you said yes, maybe we can share this moment together (let's think about that for 15 second now!)
My friends,
I need to make myself clear about the science of laugh. And so far, I believe this article will make us more knowledgeable specially for "behind the laugh and jokes".
Let's take a look:
Madan Kataria, a Mumbai based physician, has blazed a trail of laughter across the globe. The "merry medicine man from India" and a pioneer of the laughter clubs movement in the country, he is also the Founder-President of the Laughter Club International, with 70 branches in the city and more than 400 nation wide. The concept has generated interest in major cities of the world from New York to Hong Kong, Italy to Tokyo. Dr. Madan Kataria in a detailed e-mail to this correspondent, elaborated on the multiple uses of this "wonder medicine" in improving physical and mental well-being.
*** The world has become serious, he rues. The media constantly bombards us with bad news and negative thoughts. There is no laughter at workplaces and children too, behave like adults. "Through the clubs we are trying to break the seriousness of life, and by reviving the spirit of laughter, alleviate stress. "Children laugh over 300 times a day whereas adults laugh only 15 times. This is because children laugh unconditionally while adults do so only if there is a cause. The club is a joint effort by like-minded people to liberate laughter and happiness from reason for where there is logic, there is no laughter. The very essence of laughter is absurdity," points out the author of Laugh For No Reason.
*** More than 70 per cent of illnesses have some relation to stress. High blood pressure, heart disease, depression, insomnia, migraine, anxiety, allergies, peptic ulcers - the list goes on. "If these symptoms recur and persist, you need to unwind and become a member of a Laughter Club", adds Dr. Kataria. The treatment of mind-related diseases is aided by the use of laughter which is the easiest form of meditation.
Well, does this article make you laugh or... at least smile...? Remember, it's good for our health...isn't it?
Posted by